O.K., I've never been an Oprah fan. In fact I have been one of the many who has lamented the Oprahization of America. That said, I thought what Oprah did today was incredible. It's hard enough to admit when you're wrong, and I can only imagine how that is amplified when doing it in front of millions of people. As now everyone knows, James Frey's book "A Million Little Pieces" has about as much truth to it as an Enron financial statement. Oprah stood today for truth and admitted "I was wrong."
In his memoir/book/fable/lie, Mr. Frey is very hard on NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). Both programs require unwavering honesty.
"Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program, usually men and women who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves." AA Big Book p.59
We have seen how difficult this can be as it took Oprah herself weeks to admit that she was wrong. But she has shown what Bill W. and Dr. Bob discovered that to recover you must first latch onto honesty as your foundation. Oprah knows that recovery can only start from the truth. Recovery doesn't mean just not taking a drink or drug, but instead reaching as best one can, one day at a time, for serenity and a closer contact with God.
Thanks Oprah! (Shame on you James Frey!)