The Madisonville, Tennessee home of former US Senator and former Democratic presidential candidate Estes Kefauver was recently destroyed by fire, and now arson is suspected. In 1950 Estes Kefauver, (D)-TN headed the Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce which became known as the Kefauver Committee and shined and unwanted light on organized crime and the Mafia in the United States.
Lester Gambiniini, "Godfather" of the Madisonville Mafia, said when he recently was showing some of the family's historical documents to his grandchildren, they came across a 1963 contract on the life of Senator Kefauver and his family. When Kefauver died of sudden heat attack in August 1963 the contract became moot. However, Gambiniini thought it still might have some value. "Them grandyoungin's a mine is working up yonder in Vonore, so I thought they might like a try at the old family business. We went into town and taught that Kefauver son-a-bitch to keep his nose out of the family business. You play with Gambiniini fire, boy - you get burned!" Asked if he was a little embarrassed that his family had waited 42 years after the senator's death to retaliate Mr. Gambiniini replied "The Madisonville Mafia don't never forget!"
Despite Gambiniini's claims of responsibility, state investigators are also looking into possible involvement by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.) According to Tennessee State Fire Investigator Dan Hicks "There is some concern that Kefauver may have been targeted by PETA for wearing the 'coon skin hats he made famous in the early 1950's." Added Hicks, "We're checking out PETA and any other group that wouldn't let logic stand between them and attacking a man that's been dead for forty years."